Natural Beauty

As a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary, a Sarasota County Green Business Partner, and the recipient of many environmental awards, The Venice Golf and Country Club is one of a few select clubs in the world that proves, on a daily basis, our commitment to the environment. That commitment is evidenced by an abundance of nature preserves, beautiful lakes and a wide variety of wildlife. Native Florida trees and vegetation play a key role in the club’s landscaping design, and provide a home for local and migratory bird populations, including the American Bald Eagle, osprey, cranes, storks, ducks and many others. On occasion, we spot bobcats and the elusive Florida Panther on or near the golf course preserves.

We take pride in living in harmony with nature… today and for future generations to come.
Environmental Sustainability                

The Club has taken a leadership role in many aspects of sustainability, and we excel in water resource management, energy management, and recycling among others. A few specific examples are: hot water is generated by the hot gasses created by our freezers and A/C compressors, the use of geothermal heat pumps to heat the pool, LED lighting in our street lamps, Clubhouse and parking lots, occupancy sensors for lighting and thermostat controls,  computer controlled temperature schedules, demand control ventilation in the Clubhouse and kitchen, electric golf cart charging system scheduled for off peak demand periods, and the utilization of storm water for irrigation purposes. All of these actions reduce our energy use and operating expenses, and have a very short payback.  

Our Club is recognized as a leader in environmental stewardship and sustainability by the County, State and Internationally. We are a Certified Audubon Sanctuary Golf course and we are a Golf Environment Organization Certified Company (1 of only 6 in the United States). These honors are indicative of our aggressive stance on environmental stewardship and reducing Club operating expenses through creative thinking and the use of appropriate technologies. All purchase decisions are based on three elements: members’ desires, cost, and environmental impact.   
Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary 

Since 2004, The Venice Golf and Country Club has been recognized by Audubon International as a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary. By implementing and documenting a full complement of environmental management practices, a course earns designation as a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary. Some areas addressed are:

        Environmental planning
        Wildlife and habitat management
        Chemical use, reduction, and safety
        Water conservation
        Water quality management
        Outreach and education
Receiving certification demonstrates leadership as a steward of the environment and publicly recognizes and rewards environmental achievements. Certified Audubon Properties contribute to the conservation of resources and the protection of native plants and wildlife.  Golf courses like The Venice Golf and Country Club, provide significant open space and opportunities to provide wildlife habitats. Audubon International's goal is to encourage golf courses to be environmental stewards and to certify golf courses that meet or exceed their stringent environmental requirements.  
GEO Certified™ Award      

This designation is the most prestigious environmental eco label in the world of golf today.  The Venice Golf and Country Club is now in an elite class of golf venues. Only six clubs in the United States have attained this honor.

Golf and the environment are intrinsically linked and The Venice Golf and Country Club is dedicated to providing an ecologically rich, healthy and stunning golf landscape; maximizing the unique natural and cultural assets of this site, and minimizing resource consumption to ensure a net-positive environmental impact.

The Venice Golf and Country Club is extremely proud to have earned the status of GEO Certified™. This international award signifies that we have met comprehensive and advanced sustainability requirements and are committed to continually improving our environmental performance across the areas of landscape & ecosystems; water; energy & resources; products & supply chains; environmental quality and people & communities. GEO Certified™ follows a holistic approach and is both independently verified every three years and transparent, making it the most productive and credible international environmental certification in golf today.

Irrigation water is one the best examples of the positive benefits for the community and to the availability of the water resource. With water resources coming under increasing scrutiny, the Club wanted to ensure an adequate supply of water and use the lowest quality of water possible for irrigation. In 2005, the Club changed the source of our irrigation water and successfully moved from using effluent to using surface runoff. This was accomplished by an agreement with the county, the state, and the Club. The Club is adjacent to a closed county landfill which has a 44 acre borrow lake. By raising weirs 12 to 18 inches, and adding a connection to the 44 acre lake, the Club secured a long range irrigation source for the Club and is reusing storm water runoff. An added benefit is that the county lake is connected to the Myakka River which also enhances the wildlife corridor from the Club to the River. The Club obtains 99% of its irrigation water from surface runoff. This solution is a testament to ingenuity, creativity, and perseverance.

The Club has also restored approximately 52 acres of wetlands on the property that were infested with the invasive Brazilian pepper and melaleuca trees. The restored wetlands are excellent examples of native wetlands. There are also 12 acres of native uplands on the property. The uplands and wetlands are connected with corridors that facilitate wildlife movement throughout the property. The natural areas are buffered with native grasses and shrubs which also improve the wildlife value of the property. The restoration and preservation of natural areas at the Club are key steps toward connecting the internal habitats with the Myakka River and the Myakka River State Park. The Myakka River is a Florida Wild and Scenic River and it flows through the State Park, which comprises 57 square miles of wetlands, prairies and woodlands.

The Club has minimal input of turf grass pesticides and fertilizers. They follow standard practices of Integrated Pest Management and have coupled this with the implementation of Best Management Practices. The results are minimal inputs and protection of natural resources. The Club has instituted programs and processes to prevent pollution of resources. The equipment and maintenance facility has protective measures for the fuel island, spent oil and oil filters, mixing and loading of pesticides, storage of pesticides and fertilizers, and a wash pad that includes water recycling system.

Details of our GEO Certified™ Report can be viewed at
The Venice Golf and Country Club is proud to be recognized for its environmental commitment. The Club will continue to implement programs that enhance the quality of life for its members while safeguarding the environment.